At ProCube, we take pride in moving efficiently from design idea to its implementation in manufacturing. We help our clients move from the concept stage to production of scale at a minimum cost. We provide a full solution from material and technology research to design, development, reliability testing, production, packout and logistics.

Resources provided: 

  • Market Research
  • Material Research & Sourcing
  • Concept Design
  • Engineering prototypes
  • In house die cutting and compression molding
  • Customizable development plan based on customer requirements, following to Stage Gate model, and/or EVT/DVT/PVT process.
  • Dedicated sampling room staffed by expert pattern makers and sewers.
  • Onsite Product Reliability testing
  • High Frequency welding lines
  • Traditional cut & sew lines
  • Table working (small goods) lines
  • In house die cutting and compression molding

Contact us today and see what we can do for you.